
Monday, May 12, 2014

School's Out For the Summer

Year one of traveling is done! I am very excited to be home for the summer but it is definitely weird to be home for more than a week and have so much time on my hands. I have found plenty of things to keep me busy for the past week (like going down to UConn for Senior Sendoff and having dinner with Talia, Lynna and Leslie!) but I have also had lots of time to think about my first year on the road and to reflect on my experiences. I've learned so much about myself this year and it is great to think about all the amazing chapters I worked with, and hopefully made an impact on!

I made a little list that briefly sums up my year:

39 visits
30 schools
17 states (+Washington DC)
11 chapter houses
6 philanthropy events

And I made an even shorter one for some of the fun stuff I did:

8+ sushi restaurants
7 shopping malls
5 (California) beaches
1 urgent care visit

Check out the map I made from cork board at the beginning of the year! It now has 30 pins in it representing all the AEPhi chapters I have visited. I am very excited to see what next year will bring and which pins I will get to add!

Thank you for following my travels all year!! Happy summer!

School's Out by Alice Cooper

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