
Monday, April 21, 2014

I Wish They All Could Be California Girls

Beta Kappa, University of California Irvine

This was my seond visit to UC Irvine so I was excited to see some familiar faces and to already know about all the special Irvine Greek Life norms. This week was the first week of Spring quarter so it was informal recruitment time again!

I got to attend two recruitmnt events. The first was to a place called Color Me Mine, which is a west coast chain of paint your own pottery studios. Above is the seder plate I painted for the chapter! The other event was to a cafe in Santa Ana called The Gypsy Den, which had a huge assortment of coffees, teas, and desserts. Below is a picture of the Mayan mocha I had there.

I also did some more exploring around Irvine and Orange County. I made my way to the Irvine Spectrum Center, a nice outdoor mall. It was a pretty large place, with lots of good stores and a ferris wheel in the middle. The strung lights were also a nice touch, that I thought would also look great at night.

On Friday I attended Smooze and Shmear with a bunch of AEPhis. It is a weekly event that HIllel puts on for students to come have bagels, orange juice and other snacks. I also went to Shabbat dinner with them that evening at the Chabad house.

A random fact I learned on my plane ride out is that at John Wayne Airport it is normal for planes to have a muffler so that the surrounding Orange County neighborhoods are not disrupted by the the loud noises of planes taking off and landing.

California Girls by the Beach Boys

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