
Monday, March 10, 2014

Another Ladies' Night in Buffalo

Beta Gamma, Buffalo State

I love going back to chapters and seeing how they have improved and I was especially looking forward to that for Buffalo. I have heard so many things from Cheyenne and got to see Amber, the current president, at President's Academy so I was excited to return to Beta Gamma.

One of the most exciting parts of my visit was being there for Big/Little reveal. The new members were so surprised and thrown off by what was happening. They were given small squares of paper with one letter written on each and they had to scrable them to spell out "This is big sister night." When they finally figured it out all of them screamed, there were tears and one new member swiped all the letters off the table because she couldn't believe it. When it was time for them to finally meet their bigs they lined up with the socks they were given, as shown below. After all the excitment, it is tradition at Beta Gamma to go out for dinner by family tree. There are three different families so I went with the Bushmills on their family dinner. We went at 11:30pm to an all-night Greek diner. It was so fun to be out to dinner with twenty women and I got the chance to meet some of the new members more indepth.

Some of the ladies took me to sushi one night and another day we went to brunch at Pano's, the place Cheyenne had taken me last time. I got eggs and a pancake because I had remembered how much I like pancakes while at UMass.

Cheyenne came home on my last day in Buffalo so I got to see her on my last night. It was so great to see her and catch up on life in person. We were all so tired the next morning after staying up late and loosing an hour to daylight savings but it was great to spend time with everyone!

Ladies' Night in Buffalo by David Lee Roth

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