
Sunday, November 17, 2013

City of Plattsburgh

Phi Tau, SUNY Plattsburgh

My flight from Boston to Plattsburgh was certainly interesting and a first for me. I flew Peninsula Air (yeah, I never heard of it either) because it is only the line that flies into Plattsburgh International Airport. That name is also deceiving because the airport is far from a large, international airport one may associate with it. The fact that it is twenty minutes from Canada could have something to do with it. But in any case, it was the most empty plane I've ever flown on. I had been on a plane that small before but this flight to Plattsburgh (and the one back to Boston) only had one third of the maximum passengers. And when I arrived at the Plattsburgh airport I discovered why. It is literally two rooms with one tiny luggage belt, which they didn't even use. Someone brought my check bag out to me, after I panicked that it wasn't there, of course. My trip back through the airport was even more interesting because I had to ring a belt for service to check my suitcase and when the young man came out to help me the first thing he said was, "You must be Ms. Cotton." They also did not open the one security check point until one hour prior to my flights' departure; this was because my flight was the only one leaving from the airport that day!

Nikki and I at the Plattsburgh hockey game

Despite the unusual flying experiences, I had a great time with the ladies of the Phi Tau Chapter. Nikki, the President, was fabulous and had everything I could have needed. My first night on campus we went to a fraternity's haunted house, which were were both absolutely terrified of. I also got to meet most of their new members and hang out in the student center with a lot of different sisters. They took me to the hockey season opener, which was so fun. A bunch of us went together and we ended having great seats by the angry parents of the opposing team and right in front of where most of the fights happened.

On Saturday morning before I left, Nikki took me to this great bagel place downtown called Baxter's Bagels. After that, we met up with a bunch of sisters at the mall to pass out breast cancer awareness ribbons and take donations for Sharsheret, one of ΑΕΦ's two national philanthropies. So many people were willing to donate and there were even a few who came up to talk to us at the table about what Sharsheret does. I had a lot of fun hanging out with sisters and new members that morning before I left. They were all so happy and welcoming!

Phi Tau Chapter raising awareness for Sharsheret
Post title from: City of Plattsburgh by Stan Ransom- The Connecticut Pedler. Apparently there is a lot of folk music about upstate New York, especially where there were famous war battles.

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