
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm in Pittsburgh and it's rainin'

Nu, University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh was another quick visit where I got to explore the campus area. And I definitely broke in my Sperry's in the process. It is way more of a city school than I realized so that means you walk everywhere and can find almost any kind of food on or right around campus. I went to Panera and Dunkin a lot because they're my favorites, but I also tried a place called Hello Bistro, which did build your own salads with as many toppings as you want. I wish they had this chain in New England because it was such a good deal with so many options. I also had my first pumpkin bagel of the season while in Pittsburgh because it finally began to feel like fall.

I got to stay in AEPhi's suite in the dorm building that only houses sororities. I had never seen a set up like this so I was excited to see it. Each floor is a different sorority's to decorate the way they want, hold events in, and house 15 women. They are also allowed to paint walls in the stair well of their floor so going down the stairs in the building was a cool experience.

Sorority suites

I had a beautiful day to explore the lower campus area. The buildings in that part of campus are so pretty and there is a park right across from the Student Union, which is next to the suites. Carnige Melon is also in that area of Pittsburgh and I accidentally ended up on the edge of their campus on my long walk. 

Suite's stair well 

Formal recruitment was during most of my visit. I was there for the two nights of round 1 and the day of round 2. For round 1 the suite was decked out in green and white and we all wore black letters (my Alpha Xi standards came in handy for that). Round 2 was a Woodstock theme so we all got the red v-necks and wore converse, which was a nice change from heels. The decorations for Wookstock were so much fun because they were bright peace signs, tie dye and lots of flowers. I got to serve water and lemonade each day, which was a throw back to Michigan. At this point I could probably pour plastic cups of water and lemonade competitively. 

Sophomores ready for round 2

Something I learned towards the end of my visit is that expectations can really shape a visit. I had a lot of comunication with the support team and advisors before this visit, more than any of my visits so far. And I think I've learned that creating an expectation in my mind is not the best thing to do because I may look for ways for women to fill them without looking outside of it. I think knowing what to expect can sometimes be a good thing but I also enjoy meeting women for the first time and figuring out some of it on my own. It is a fine balance that I am certainly still working on.

On a different note, you may (or may not) have noticed that the title of this post is a line from a song. The song is called I'm in Pittsburgh (And It's Raining). I didn't have many Pittsburgh song options but I liked this one because it downpoured during recruitment on my last day. My goal for the rest of my posts is to name each one after song lyrics related to my visit! This will probably take some creativity and a lot of Google searching but lots of TV shows do things like this for episode titles so I thought it would be cool.

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